

I’m Nishank Saini, a recent graduate of the Master’s in Business Analytics program at the beautiful University of Galway.

At the time of writing, I am working as a Research Assistant at the prestigious School of Business at Dublin City University. In a short amount of time I have gained understanding of how to effectively handle and analyze immensely huge datasets via Google Cloud and BigQuery. Alongside this, I have had opportunities to enhance existing EDA pipelines with R, while also setting up and managing an open source data publishing platform known as CKAN.

Data analytics is a domain I came across back in the sixth semester of my undergrad, via a course called Data Warehousing and Mining. We were instructed in R, and that’s how I began my journey into the possibilities put forth by this wonderful tool.

For one of my very first projects, I was part of a group that worked on creating interactive visualizations depicting air pollution across the US. That sparked my interest in pursuing R further; my final year project revolved around using R to analyze and classify fraudulent content present on the internet.

I worked previously as an Analyst for Grail Insights, where I gained exposure to tools and technologies like PowerBI, DAX, SQL, Excel, R and Python. I worked for a variety of clients across verticals like fast-moving consumer goods and luxury retail, amongst others. I proved myself to be adept and a quick learner, in addition to primarily working independently.

Fast-forward to the present day and my journey feels like it has only started. My blogpost on creating custom crawlers to scrape the lyrics of tracks you listen to on Spotify is a particular favourite of mine; as is my post on creating a web application via Shiny. I was the group lead of my Master’s Project, having the responsibility of developing an analytical workflow for forecasting whether Irish towns would be on track to meet the climate targets set by the Climate Action Plan, while also attempting to explore any possible links between traffic and environmental and meteorological measurements. Truly a fascinating and increasingly important domain.

I’ve built this blog using blogdown to share my workflow with you, while also using it to keep track of my progress.

With my Master’s done, I am, of course, actively on the hunt for suitable jobs.

Thanks for reading, and I hope this blog is of use to you!